Fixing the Nasalized R

By Pam Marshalla

Q: Can you give me ideas about how to help a boy who is making R out his nose? He has no other velopharyngeal problems.

This is what I do:

  1. Use a tube that stretches from the child’s mouth to his ear. Teach him to listen to the oral sound of several vowels.
  2. Then stretch the tube from his nose to his ear. Teach him to hear the nasal sound that emerges when he says M, N, and Ng.
  3. Then stretch the tube from his nose to his ear, and have him say R. Teach him that he is saying R out his nose. The tube will help him hear this. Teach him that R has to be made out his mouth instead of his nose.
  4. Stretch the tube from his nose to his ear. Have him say a sequence consisting of a vowel and R, in VC. I always use Ah. Teach him to hear when he switches to the nasal sound when he moves from Ah to R. Have him make the vowel strong and a little loud. He should be able to hear when he switches to the nasal sound.
  5. Teach him to continue saying Ah while he says R.  In other words, teach him to continue to make the sound come out his mouth even though he is switching to the R position.

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