Reverse Swallow with Lateral Lisp?

By Pam Marshalla

toddler eatingQ: Our SLPAs see artic kids for 5-7 minute every day. Some of the kids with frontal lisps also have reverse swallow patterns (tongue thrust swallow, infantile suckle-swallow patterns). Should the SLPAs work on this too? Will these kids fix their lisps without it?

Yours is the question I hope the 21st century will answer!

I personally do not think that SLPs or SLPAs who are not trained in teaching the correct swallow have any business working on it with their articulation students. However, I also have found that some frontal lisps are almost “un-fix-able” without it.

Therefore when you work in the schools you have the dilemma you described.

Honestly I do not know what to tell you.

I do know this, however: The frontal lisp is all about the tongue not stabilizing in the back at the lateral margins. I will write more about lingual stability in my upcoming book, The Marshalla Guide.

2 thoughts on “Reverse Swallow with Lateral Lisp?”

    1. Asking “How do you work on a reverse swallow?” is like asking “How do you do phonological therapy? or “How do you do language therapy?” It is a huge question with multifaceted answers that depend on the diagnosis. The causes of an incorrect swallow can be many and varied–from a tongue that is too small or too large, or that has a restricting frenum, to a jaw that is malformed, to a jaw that simply moves too much or too little, to a tongue-tip that is placed incorrectly. The list of causes goes on and on. In therapy one finds the cause and then designs a program that remediates it. Therapists who want to address the incorrect swallow need continuing education. Please visit the International Association of Orofacial Myologists website to get started–

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