Tag: Book Recommendations

Oral Motor Techniques in History

By Pam Marshalla

Q: I have heard you say that oral motor treatment is not new. What do you mean? Dr. Charles Van Riper, the “father” of articulation therapy said that techniques to manipulate mouth movements and positions, for speech sound production, were centuries old in Europe. In the 1960’s, Mildren Berry and Jon Eisenson said that articulation therapy was “as old as the Hitites.” Last year I began an investigation into the use of methods to facilitate oral (jaw, lip, and tongue)…

Stimulation Techniques for /k/ and /g/

By Pam Marshalla

Q: Do you have any suggestions for how to elicit the /k/ and /g/? Pre-speech Vocalization Use the velar raspberry because it is the infant’s precursor to /k/ and /g/. If the child can make a velar raspberry, he is articulating in the back and only needs to refine the sound. Practice the raspberry long and short, loud and soft, big and tiny. Shape it into /k/ if the raspberry is voiceless. Shape it into /g/ if the raspberry is…

Apraxia and Attention

By Pam Marshalla

Q: My six-year-old daughter has oral and verbal apraxia and developmental coordination disorder. She has a difficult time keeping up her levels of concentration throughout the school day. One teacher tells me that Hannah needs to “attend” and that she is concerned about Hannah’s “attention deficit.” Do you know of any resources that would help explain how her diagnosis affects her ability to focus? Probably the best place to begin is The Out-of-Sync Child and succeeding books (The Out-of-Sync Child…