Tag: Tongue

Getting the Tongue-Tip to Curl Up and Back

By Pam Marshalla

Q: How do you get a tongue-tip to curl up and back toward the velum for the retroflex R? I have been using cream cheese, but it does not stick to the palate well, and I have been pushing the tongue back, but the child just doesn’t get what I want him to do. First, using food on the palate is an old-time popular method to stimulate tongue movement, but I never use food.  You have to analyze the stimulus. …

Tongue Exercises for Restricting Frenum

By Pam Marshalla

Q: Are there any exercises one can give to extend the tongue frenum instead of having the client get a frenectomy? Are these exercises are proven scientifically? From long ago, therapists have said that “tongue exercises” could stretch the frenum, but I have never seen anyone spell out what those exercises would be, nor have I seen any data that would prove that any certain exercises do help. My own personal experience is this:  Clients tend to move their tongues…

Tongue Stability

By Pam Marshalla

Q: How do you stimulate for tongue stability at the back-lateral margins when a child is too young to understand what you are talking about? That is a great question.  The position of tongue stability is the same as Long E, as in the word “bee.” So with the little guys, I don’t try to explain it. I just over work Long E for a very long time.  These are the types of things I do: Overwork the diminutives: kitty,…

Familial Lateral Lisp

By Pam Marshalla

Q: Should a lateral lisp be treated for a three-year-old when it is present in the speech of a parent? Maybe it will not be outgrown? I always treat lateral lisp as early as possible because I do not believe that it is ever outgrown.  The lateral lisp is a deviant sound, not a delayed sound.  Therefore more time will not necessarily make it go away. If anything, the lateral lisp seems to get more habituated as the child gets…

Making L Sound Better

By Pam Marshalla

Q: I have a number of clients whose L doesn’t sound right. The tongue-tip is lifting to the alveolar ridge, but the sound is muffled and just a little distorted. Do you have any suggestions? The tongue-tip probably is elevating without the full tongue thinning enough. Try this: Have the client say La-La-La with the jaw lower.  Lowering the jaw usually thins the tongue. Have him say Ah first, and have him keep saying Ah while he says L. Make…

R Therapy with Ankyloglossia

By Pam Marshalla

Q: Is the best approach for ankyloglossia to do a back r? If the tongue-tip is tied down, the client will be unable to stretch the tip up and back far enough for a Tip R (retroflex R).  You will have no choice but to teach a Back R.  But, as you know, the Back R can be much harder for many kids.  That’s an excellent reason to have the frenum surgically altered. I always refer a client with a…

Lateral Lisp and Young Kids

By Pam Marshalla

Q: How young do you see children with a lateral lisps? Most SLPs leave the lateral lisp alone until age 6-8. However, I and many other therapists address it earlier with children 4 and 5 years of age. I work on the following with younger kids– I make sure that T and D are midline and not lateral. If they are lateral, I straighten them out. I use a straw for this– They produce T into the straw held outside…

A Crooked Tongue on R

By Pam Marshalla

Q: I have been teaching R using your L-to-R sliding and tapping methods. However the further back my client tries to pull his tongue-tip the more it pulls to his left. He cannot keep it at midline past the middle of his palate, and he is not able to get a good R. I have not encountered this, but these are the methods I would use to address it– Have him use his finger, or another tool, and trace down…

Low Tone and Mild Artic

By Pam Marshalla

Q: My teen client has low tone, mild articulation problems, problems with intelligibility, and imprecision of articulation (interdental lingua-alveolars, F/Th, and distorted R). He has a slack jaw and forward tongue posture at rest. His tongue appears flaccid. Cognitive skills are okay. I went to your class called 21st Century Articulation Therapy and am trying to figure out which methods to use to address low tone in speech. Also what should I do about the tongue thrust? In terms of…