Do You Like Pie? – 12 Songs for Phonemes, Syllables, and Words

(5 customer reviews)


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A CD of songs to help young children learn speech and language skills. Why? Songs encourage children to participate by speaking up and speaking out, songs help children remember vocabulary and concepts, and songs help children practice their speech!

“If you are a speech therapist, teacher, or parent of kiddos in the birth to preschool age range, this CD is for you!”
— Rose, SLP

CD Details

Each song on Do You Like Pie? has two different types of children in mind: those who speak very well and those who don’t. All children will love the rhythms and the rhymes. Children who speak very well will learn all the words over time. Children who are challenged in speech and language will have fun singing the parts specially designed for them – the parts with repeating phonemes, syllables, and words.

This CD has songs that can be used in individual or group speech-language practice. Use them at home, in the car, in the classroom, in school assemblies, in music classes, in English classes, or in speech, occupational or physical therapy. Sing along with the CD, then sing the songs, or the choruses, later without the music.

The words for each song of Do You Like Pie? are presented below. The lyrics and practice notes are available in Word Doc or PDF form. These lyric sheets also have suggestions about the speech-language skills to be practiced and recommendations for actions to be made. The character voices are also listed. We hope you enjoy using these songs in your work with children!

“I have been using this CD for years now to help children imitate sounds and words. The music is child oriented and lots of fun. Most children enjoy music, so this CD can motivate children to participate in imitation. I have “time tested” this CD and highly recommend it.”
— Amazon Review by BSWSLP

Do You Like Pie? is:

  • 1 CD of 12 Songs
  • Appropriate for SLPs and parents
  • Downloadable lyrics and instructions (below)

Download the Lyrics

Read the speech-language skills, recommended actions, and song lyrics for all 12 tracks on the Do You Like Pie? album.


  1. My Baby Talk – Words of CVCV construction
  2. The Kazoo Song – Voice prolongation and intonation; Lip rounding
  3. Do You Like Pie? – Babbling-like sequences
  4. Doggies, Doggies – Diminutive (words that end in “y” or “ie”)
  5. A Little Tiny Bee – Phoneme /z/ in isolation, words and sequences
  6. Hello, Goodbye – Q/A words and phrases in a silly dialogue
  7. The Words We Say – Words with vowel /o/; Whispering
  8. A Boy Named Joe – Words with vowel /o/
  9. 1, 2, I Like You – Counting 1-10 and 1-20
  10. Baby Bobby – Simple words that start with /b/


Meet The Characters

  • Little Sweet Pea is young and innocent
  • Mrs. Peabody is a music teacher who thinks she can sing
  • Gruff is a smart little guy who boldly speaks up whenever he can
  • Professor Dauby is intelligent and educated, but very boring
  • Baby Bobbie is just learning to talk
  • Gary is a Baby Bobbie’s dad, and he sings Cajun-style music
  • Ronnie thinks he’s Elmo (but he’s not) and he loves pies
  • Shanti is a beautiful young woman who sings everything
  • The Island Sisters sing calypso-style tunes during beach parties
  • Jo-Jo has a frontal lisp, and she substitutes W for both R and L
  • Mr. Peabody loves his out-of-tune wife and sings along with her on occasion
  • Mr. Mann is a grandpa from Alabama who used to be a famous blues singer

How To Use This CD With Kids


When learning songs, preschool children usually pick up on the repeating parts first. For example, when learning The Wheels on the Bus, young children usually sing the “round and round” part first. This natural ability can be used to help children with their speech-language skills. The songs on Do You Like Pie? each have repeating parts that encourage basic speech-language skills.


These songs can be played at home, at school, in therapy or in the car. Anywhere!


At first, play the songs for the kids during times when they are not expected to sing. Just let them listen while they are doing another quiet activity like drawing. Talk about the characters that sing the songs, and talk about the sounds or words they are saying. Over time, encourage the children to sing the repeating parts suggested in the chart below.

Don’t expect any of the kids to learn all the words. The rest of the words in each song are there just to get the kids interested in the repeating parts. The songs are not instructions about how to say this or that phoneme or word – that’s your job. The songs are intended to give young children a fun opportunity to listen to and practice certain speech-language skills.


The songs have two specific intents – to help young children learn to listen for and to practice certain sounds or words. See the chart below. More information about each song, including gestures to use, is available at in the downloadable PDF or Word Doc found above.

Additional information

Weight .2 lbs
Dimensions 6.00 × 8.00 × 0.50 in

5 reviews for Do You Like Pie? – 12 Songs for Phonemes, Syllables, and Words

  1. Cynthia R.

    My child gets much use with the cd do you like pie. Thank you so much!

  2. Rose

    I was entertained and amused by so many of the fun and inventive lyrics and voices used throughout this CD … If you are a speech therapist, teacher, or parent of kiddos in the birth to preschool age range, this CD is for you!


    I have been using this CD for years now to help children imitate sounds and words. The music is child oriented and lots of fun. Most children enjoy music, so this CD can motivate children to participate in imitation. I have “time tested” this CD and highly recommend it.

  4. Kendra Males

    I have bought several books by Pam and love them. This is the only product of hers I would NOT recommend. It is not enjoyable to listen to or fun. I had my children listen and they hated it. I had children I work with and they all asked to turn it off, made faces in bewilderment (not in a good way), covered their ears, or ran into another room. I was able to look at the lyrics online prior to purchasing but the tracks to hear a sample were not working (and not working now). Please listen to a sample before purchasing. Everyone’s budget is tight. I just don’t want you to be disappointed with this purchase. Purchase other products by Pam that I have found very useful: The four stages of imitation, frontal/lateral lisp, Apraxia uncovered, Becoming Verbal with Childhood apraxia, Vowels and Intelligibility, Stop drooling, Stop thumbsucking.

  5. Chloe

    I don’t care what the naysayer says! It’s just plain FUN! Great vocal warmups!

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