Diphthongs and Glides in Core Vocabulary Words

By Pam Marshalla

This slide is from my class on improving intelligibility in apraxia, dysarthria, and low cognitive skills. Research has demonstrated that diphthongs and glides are learned very early and that children with phonological impairment rarely have trouble with them. However, it has been my experience that most clients with apraxia, dysarthria, and low cognitive skills do have trouble with them. Typically these children reduce these early sequences down to single vowels, and they often use the schwa instead of the correct vowel. This means that they are not moving the jaw, lips, and tongue to their fullest extent, and are resorting to the vowel with the simplest movement requirements.

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2 thoughts on “Diphthongs and Glides in Core Vocabulary Words”

  1. Hi Pam, I am a SLPA and work in EI. I have a grandson that is 18 months old and just qualified for speech services. He was a very quiet baby with no babbling with the exception of bababa. He now uses about 10 CVCV, CV, VC syllable shape words. He only uses the schwa sound for all vowels except for one word that contains the long e sound. What would you suggest for strategies and hierarchy of goals?

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